
Locasty for businessSupport

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Explore Locasty's features and discover how our tool simplifies Local SEO routines and transforms data into powerful insights for your business.

Our Advantages


Save time with mass and accurate updates of Google Business Profile listings in one tool.

Local Visibility

Have more complete and structured listings that stand out in organic results.


Understand your business performance by region and better segment your actions with the filters available in the dashboards.

Satisfied Customers

Keep responses to users up to date, maintaining the reputation and reliability of your business on the world's largest search engine: Google.

Extensive Data History

Master your audience's behavior with data stored for three times longer than other tools offer.

Access Levels

Add users and manage their access levels to locations and modules effectively and securely.

Boost Your Locations at Scale

Get started free

Everything your location needs

Tool Modules

Gain efficiency by automating manual routines and focus on Local Marketing strategies to boost your sales.




Customer Service



Manage the content that your potential customer will see on your business cards in the Google Business Profile in a simple way.

Post Scheduling

Avoid worries and schedule posts to happen at the best time for your customer.

Query String

Track the results of your strategy and create automatic parameters for each content published by the platform.

Bulk Publishing

Save time and efficiency with the bulk publishing feature of the information you need to communicate.

Image Upload

Prepare images that represent your product or service and publish them to all your customers in a simple and practical way.

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Keep your physical points' information always updated consistently and efficiently with bulk edits and other solutions offered by Locasty.

Information Standardization

Manage your locations in a simple and effective way, maintaining the consistency of the necessary information, including images.

Bulk Edits

Communicate massively, edit when necessary without wasting time doing card by card, and avoid human errors in location updates.

SEO Checklist for Locations

Scale the visibility of your physical points by optimizing Local SEO following the best practices suggested by our algorithm.

Customer Experience

Ensure the update of special hours and seasonalities in an assertive and practical way and avoid disappointing your customers.

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Have a simple and consolidated view of the key data from your Local Marketing and SEO and make better decisions based on data.

Data Consolidation

Easily access all important data from your locations and have a consolidated view of your entire strategy.

From 18 months of data

Have a data history from 18 months onwards when connecting your cards to Locasty.

Easy Data Extraction

Easily export the data you need in CSV to use in other tools and enhance data analysis.

Local Keywords

Know exactly how people are searching and finding your products and services in Google and Google Maps results.

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Customer Service

Take care of your brand's reputation and see all reviews and questions from all your locations on one page.

Reviews and Questions

Respond to your customers' reviews and questions in a simple panel that groups them all for better control.

Smart Assistant

Count on our smart assistant to create personalized responses through Artificial Intelligence for your potential customers.

Response Templates

Register custom response templates, streamline customer service, and standardize response quality.

Advanced Search and Filters

Search by keyword or through other useful and practical filters to respond to key questions and reviews.

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Control who has access to your location information and manage usage permissions in just one place.


Manage user permission levels simply and maintain the security of your location information on Google.


Control the modules that users will have access to, centralizing and facilitating the management of your locations on Google Business Profile according to business needs.

User Management

Create, remove, and manage users who will have access to important information for the online visibility of your business on major maps and search engines.

Two-Factor Authentication

Add an extra layer of security and provide a better experience to users with two-factor authentication. Avoid hassles.

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No need for a credit card

More sales with





and offline



clients' online presence





Complete your registration

Talk to our specialists and see the full potential of Locasty.